Fact Sheets

  • Australian Customs Service

    The Australian Copyright Act allows for the importation of CDs from other countries, however these have to be legitimately manufactured in the country of origin.  The onus is upon the importer to prove that they are legitimate CDs.  It is not legal to import music DVDs as they incorporate films.

    This guide provides you with some tips for identifying illegitimate CDs and explains what you should do if you come across them.  

  • Background Music

    This guide aims to answer questions you may have about using background music in a restaurant, cafe, pub, hotel or any type of retail store

  • Buying Music At The Markets

    This guide provides you with some tips for buying music at markets, so you get what you pay for.

  • Buying Music On eBay

    This guide provides you with some tips for buying music on eBay and other online auction sites, so you get what you pay for.

  • CD and DVD Plants

    This guide has been created to assist CD and DVD plant owners and operators understand their obligations and liabilities when it comes to replicating music CDs and DVDs
